PC ENGINEのソフト「うる星やつら ★STAY WITH YOU★」(HUDSON SOFT)に同梱されていた「ハドソンCD・ROM2音楽全集」に収録されている坂本龍一氏の「天外魔境」です。 この「天外魔境」を元ネタにアルバム「BEAUTY」にはボーカル入りVer.を「A Pile Of Time(5:34)」というタイトルで収録されています。
(Note: Damnit I actually tried uploading this on the 31st of december but youtube failed me and I’ve had to reupload it 10 times now.) Presents and stuff had to split the video. Also the santa hat thingy messed up my hair god I look like Emmett Brown or something. :P *not actually bothered by it in the slightest*
stuff presents christmas pickup games PC-engine duo pce
Intro from the Japanese Sega CD game Urusei Yatsura - My Dear Friends.
videogame game anime Urusei Yatsura sega segacd lum
The opening and beginning playthrough of an underrated little seen gem for the Mega CD Urusei Yatsura. This is one of the games that truly showed what the Mega/Sega CD was capable of in the right hands.